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In 2022, former Chilliwack mayor Clint Hames and I did an eight-episode video podcast with chillTV where we interviewed the important people involved in the most important issues in the community.

I've always said I have a face for radio and a voice for print. So that in addition to the fact that I was recovering from a ruptured disc in my spine meant I was in seriously uncomfortable territory, physically and journalistically. But Berris Karden at chillTV and Clint did a great job to set it up and we had a lot of fun talking about some important topics.

Episode 1, June 16, 2022: Housing Affordability:

The inaugural episode's title is self-explanatory. Guests included:
• Kelli Paddon, MLA for Chilliwack-Kent
• Kishone Roy, housing advocate; candidate for Vancouver city council
• Danielle Beausoleil, Chilliwack realtor

Episode 2, June 23, 2022: Are We Post-COVID?

Here Clint and I examined where we were more than two years since the pandemic began, where we were going, with a look at it's impact and legacy for the most vulnerable. Guests included:
• Kelli Paddon, MLA for Chilliwack-Kent
• Carin Bondar, associate professor UFV; Chilliwack School Board trustee
• Krysandra Wilson, registered clinical counsellor; behaviour and trauma informed therapist

Episode 3, July 7, 2022: Public Safety

Here we discussed public safety generally and more specifically, what makes a community safe. Guests included:
• Aaron Pete, B.A., J.D., Host, "Bigger Than Me" Podcast; board member, Chilliwack Cultural Centre
• Bud Mercer, former RCMP assistant commissioner; Chilliwack city councillor
• Steven Esau, registered clinical counsellor; director of pperations, Fraser Valley East, Pacific Resources Community Society

Episode 4, July 14, 2022 : Agricultural Land Reserve

A deep dive into the Agricultural Land Reserve, the sometimes controversial and important farmland protection system unique to B.C. We discussed the pros of continuing the ALR in the Fraser Valley versus other uses of the land, including housing and industrial development. Guests included:
• John Les, former mayor and MLA for Chilliwack
• Thomas Baumann, professor emeritus in agriculture at the University of the Fraser Valley

Episode 5, July 21, 2022: EVs & Alternative Energy

Electric vehicles have been the dream of the future for decades and they are here. We discussed if the power grid handle a complete conversion to EVs, and what about regions that derive electricity from burning fossil fuels? Would we even be any better off? Guests included:
• Paul McManus, Chilliwack Ford general manager
• Dave Leger, founder of Loop Energy and H2 Portable Power Corp.

Episode 6, August 18, 2022: Building a More Inclusive Community

Is Chilliwack an inclusive community? We learned a lot in this episode which included powerful topics such as Truth & Reconciliation, "tolerated versus celebrated" and preferred pronouns. Guests included:
• Teri Westerby, (then) candidate for Chilliwack school board and (then) president of the Chilliwack Pride Society
• Gracie Kelly, Indigenous relations manager-PCN, Chilliwack Division of Family Practice.
• Dan Coulter, Chilliwack MLA

Episode 7, September 8, 2022: Inflation – Our New Future?

After decades of virtually zero inflation and historically low interest rates, in the spring of 2022 inflation hit hard. Turned out it was indeed our new future.
• Evan Kalynchuk, investment advisor for BMO Nesbitt Burns, BMO Wealth Management
• Berris Karden, chillTV producer

Episode 8, September 22, 2022: The Importance of Local Goverments & Elections"

Just in time for the fall civic election, we tackled the upcoming municipal elections.
• Hamish Telford, associate professor in political science at the Unversity of the Fraser Valley
• Ken Popove, mayor of Chilliwack
• Sue Knott, Chilliwack city councillor


Paul J. Henderson

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