Here's an enigma: Where are all the 'snivelling, cowardly, fake-patriot, truck-humping losers' now that Canada's sovereignty is threatened?
Pat King and his odious fan club were dim-witted clods acting out a temper tantrum borne of a conspiracy theory feedback loop
While hardworking (real) truckers were on the road helping feed the country and fuel the fight against a pandemic in 2022, hundreds of Albertan toddlers on wheels who were scared of needles and science and democracy had a national hissy fit in the nation's capital.
The mouth breathers who took part in the trucker convoy – like their fan club, the mental midgets with "fringe minority" bumper stickers on pickup trucks – claimed their movement was all about freedom. This is of course bullshit because as they decried their supposed lack of freedom, they live in one of the freest countries on Earth and they drove unimpeded to Ottawa causing mayhem and destruction on the way with zero consequences, for the most part. They were only stopped when their terrible and immature behaviour cause so much disruption and destruction that the government had to intervene to curb what was, of course, illegal.
Contrite as Pinocchio, last week Pat King apologized in a courtroom to the people of Ottawa, scared he might receive something close to the 10 years in jail Crown sought for his leadership in the trucker convoy. King also promised not to return as he was sentenced to three months of house arrest and a year of probation. He then went outside and, surrounded by circus clowns, yelled "freedom."
So where are these supposed heroes of freedom from 2022 now? Where are the convoys and the horn-honking and the road-blocking advocates for free speech and national sovereignty while the President of the United States threatens annexation of Canada as the 51st state?
Nothing. Fighting COVID-19 health measures with a truck protest on the streets of Ottawa was never about freedom. Pat King and his snivelling fan club were nothing more than dim-witted clods acting out a temper tantrum borne of a conspiracy theory feedback loop.
That's my rant over, but a Canadian named Jim Elliott (who I don't know) summed it up well in a deliciously rude and blunt Facebook post that I share here in it's entirety in addition to stealing his AI-generated image of a Doug Ford-looking flag waver in front of a truck.
Posted by Jim Elliott on Facebook on Feb. 22, 2025:
“Where the actual fuck are you now, you snivelling, cowardly, fake-patriot, truck-humping losers? Back in 2022, you absolute morons threw the biggest, most embarrassing temper tantrum in Canadian history over the mild inconvenience of a fucking mask and a fucking vaccine. You clogged Ottawa, blared your stupid fucking horns, harassed hardworking people, smeared your bullshit all over the Canadian flag, and pretended you were heroes. You cried your fucking eyes out about freedom while actively making life a living hell for everyone around you.And now, when Canada is actually facing a real fucking crisis – when Donald fucking Trump is openly talking about annexing us, about turning Canada into the goddamn 51st state – where the fuck are you? Where the fuck is your self-righteous, chest-thumping, flag-waving outrage? Where the fuck is your big, tough 'freedom convoy' now? Nowhere. Gone. You’ve all fucking disappeared. Crickets. There’s not a goddamn peep from you hypocritical, useless sacks of shit. And we all know exactly why. It’s because you want this. You want Canada to be turned into America Lite. You want Trump to steamroll over this country and drag us into his psychotic, fascist nightmare. You love that bloated, racist, rapist, orange, diaper-wearing cunt piece of shit. You worship him like a fucking god because you’re not real Canadians – you’re nothing more than MAGA-wannabe, bootlicking, brainwashed sheep who would sell out your own country in a heartbeat just to feel closer to your big, strong American daddy. Where’s all that energy you had when you were pissing yourselves over vaccine mandates? Where’s the fucking convoy now? Where are your 'freedom' flags? Where’s your self-important bullshit about government tyranny? You were willing to cripple our own fucking economy over public health measures, but when an actual existential threat is looming over our country, you roll over and spread your fucking cheeks for Trump without so much as a whisper. You’d rather have Canada absorbed into the United States than live in a country that doesn’t cater to your ignorant, selfish, right-wing delusions.You never gave a fuck about Canada. You never gave a fuck about freedom. You’re not patriots – you’re traitors. You’re weak, snivelling, cowardly little pissants who only throw a tantrum when it suits your selfish, toddler-brained narrative. When it came time to actually defend our nation, you fucking failed. You’re a disgrace to every single person who actually loves this country. So go ahead, keep waving that Canadian flag like you haven’t completely disgraced it. Keep whining about how you’re the 'real' Canadians while you sit there with your thumbs up your asses, doing absolutely nothing as a real authoritarian fuckstick threatens to take away our sovereignty. The rest of us see you for exactly what you are – spineless, cowardly, bootlicking, MAGA-slurping, traitorous fucking jokes."
Amen Mr. Elliott.
Paul J. Henderson